Altered Sense...introducing Will Denham
An unconventional and determined protagonist who grapples with a terrifying gift, driven by an unwavering desire to save lives. His unique abilities both haunt and empower him, as he navigates dangerous challenges.
What readers are saying...
What a great book, I was totally immersed with the characters, settings and the plot right through to the very end. I hope there is a sequel and William Denham continues his brilliant work, well done Max. - Goodreads review.
A ‘who done it’ with a twist! The main characters are memorable and relatable. The story builds nicely through various sub plots to the concluding ‘count down’ plot. A good read and will be looking forward to the next book from Max Jeffries or maybe a TV series! - Amazon review.
Set in Sydney, this book is a quick read but full of thrills. With three chronological crimes occurring, the main character, Will hones his physic abilities to help solve each case, but not without others thinking he is crazy. Would recommend this book to teens and adults who want a short thriller read. - Amazon review
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